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(Not the title of my autobiography.)


At a young age Will faced many trials and tribulations but never lost his dream of being an actor. Delaware wasn't exactly known for it's film industry and there weren't many places for a young Wilby Devokees to act. Will took matters into his own hands and made his own films with his friends. His dream was to be on Saturday Night Live, and get a chance to direct and act.

Inspired by The Daily Show, Will joined the School news in an attempt to bring humor to the news (I mean come on... we're talking about the School news where the most important piece of information to these kids is the Lunch menu for the  day.) He won a Bronze Medal for Skills USA VICA Video Product and development, Attended the Tom Savini Special Effects Program, and the George A Romero Digital Film School at Douglas.

Will took Acting for the Camera classes with Randy Kovitz and still tries to constantly learn and evolve as a creative through online seminars and classes.

In 2020, Will developed Movie Night with Will Devokees. A satirical entertainment talkshow on youtube.

Geez, Why did I do all this in the third person? Man, I MUST be pretentious. All in all I love to create, I love being creative and collaborating, and most of all I love making people laugh. Never give up on your dreams and passions... and remember "Keep being Creative!"

                                           -Wilby D.

© 2007-2023 by Will Devokees. Frustratingly created with

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